
Delivery against actions from Science Council meetings over the last 6 months

Delivery against actions from Science Council meetings over the last 6 months

Last updated: 16 June 2022

Delivery against actions from Science Council meetings over the last 6 months.

Paper by Paul A. Nunn

For further information contact Paul A. Nunn on 07817954647  (Mob)



1.1 Science Council members are asked to

  • Note delivery against actions from the last Science Council meeting.


2. At the last Science Council meeting several actions were recorded with associated milestone dates.

2.1 Annex 1 contains the actions and progress in delivering those actions for the public session of the last open meeting.

2.2 Annex 2 contains the actions and progress in delivering those actions from the closed session of the last open meeting.  Annex 2 will not be included in the papers made available to the public for the upcoming open meeting.

2.3 Annex 3 contains the actions and progress in delivering those actions from the last closed project meeting held by the Science Council (17/3/22).  Annex 3 will not be included in the papers made available to the public for the upcoming open meeting.


3. Science Council members are asked to

  • Note delivery against actions from the last Science Council meeting.

Annex 1: Actions from the 11th Science Council open meeting (9 December 2021) public session

Action Ref. 



Deadline / Review date


SC 10-1

Science Council members to update their register of interest entries.


cop 16 December



Robin May and Sandy Thomas to write to learned societies to publicise the Science Council recruitment exercise.

Robin May and Sandy Thomas

by 24 December


SC 10-3

Robin May will agree with Strategy team when to engage the Science Council on the Government White Paper responding to the National Food Strategy’s recommendations.

Robin May

end of February 2022

Response in e-mail update (7/2/22)

SC 10-4

Rick Mumford to discuss with Claire Nicholson current and planned FSA activity on food and sustainability (including net zero carbon) by the end of February 2022.

Rick Mumford

end of February 2022


SC 10-5

Claire Nicholson and Jonathan Wastling to prepare an interim report for Working Group 6.

Claire Nicholson and Jonathan Wastling

end of March 2022

Pushed date back to the end of May.


SC 10-6

Claire Nicholson and Jonathan Wastling to present a shortlist of key NZC activities that require a further deep dive.

Claire Nicholson and Jonathan Wastling

17 March 2022 (closed project meeting)

Cancelled as the approach has changed

SC 10-7

Sandy Thomas to discuss with other SAC Chairs their possible engagement in supporting WG6.

Sandy Thomas

end of February 2022


SC 10-8

Sandy Thomas to contact the SACN Chair and ask if a Science Council member could attend in an observational capacity.

Sandy Thomas

mid-February 2022

Done (Letter sent 9/2/22)

Annex 2: Actions from the 11th Science Council open meeting (9 December 2021) closed session


Annex 3 : Actions from the last Science Council closed project meeting (17 March 2022).